
10 key survival gear items for men whose passion is survival and outdoors

10 key survival gear items for men whose passion is survival and outdoors. The article below covers all essential survival gear items all men survivalists should have.


With the utmost understanding that there is no “one size fits all” type of gear, we’ve assembled what we believe are best practices and suitable equipment for any situation. 


The 10 Commandments for survival gear for men:


These are the ten commandments by SurvivalPort, which we have found best tuitable for men: 


  1. The First Commandment: Te’ Shall Make Fire

Fire is one of the primal needs that allows us to survive in nature and, of course, was among the most important and crucial discoveries that contributed to the development of primitive man.


So, “how does fire equipment help me survive” you’re asking?


  • Help in warding off predators.
  • Heat source – protection from hypothermia.
  • Water purification
  • Cooking food
  • Signal sign for rescue.
  • Light.


  1. The Second Commandment: Suitable Clothing

Protecting your body is necessary, and in complex survival situations it can tip the balance.


Appropriate clothing will protect you mainly from the following dangers:


  • Excess sun exposure.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Excessive sweating and dehydration.
  • Safer movement, clothes and shoes adapted to the topography of the terrain.


  1. The Third Commandment: The ability to transmit emergency message should be taken into account in extreme survival situations – enter, dedicated survival equipment for transmitting a emergency signal should be as smart as possible:


A dedicated electronic device for transmitting an emergency signal/message.

  • Mobile phone (there is not always reception, this should be taken into account).
  • Whistle. Simple but highly effective.
  • A flag is a simple signal, but it has a long-distance transmitter and a clear distress signal; not always those who see you from a distance will recognize that you need help.
  • Headlights with signaling capabilities.
  1. The Fourth Commandment: Te’ Shalln’t be starved

Equipment that enables survival in the outdoors does not always allow transporting food in the configuration we are used to mainly because of the portions of food we are used to consuming on a daily basis.


Priority should be given when buying food intended for a survival item that is compressed in such a way that it takes up as little space as possible and where you will find all the nutrients your body needs.


  1. The Fifth Commandment: Water….dah!

Of course, water is a basic commodity that the human body needs to exist, even though we have the strength to survive without water – some say for more than three days. We opted to dedicate an amendment by itself to water and not to include it together with the previous food, because we believe it is not only necessary to prepare water ahead of time but also start planning and thinking about the equipment that will allow water filtration in the field. Compact survival equipment – like this, (Portable Water Filter), that allows water filtration can decide between your successful experience and, god forbid, dehydration or, in the worst case, poisoning.


  1. The Sixth Commandment: Hunting equipment

Basic hunting equipment will allow you to fish or hunt animals when you find yourself in extreme malnutrition situations. The basic survival knife, for starters, will be the way to go. 


  1. The Seventh Commandment: Light

Light is an especially important resource at night and can of course save lives by identifying potholes or other dangers that you may encounter should you come across some…let’s hope not.


  1. The Eighth Commandment: Cover

The shape of the cover you want to take with you should be vary according to several aspects:


  • Field conditions.
  • Volume and weight of the other gear which you will carry.
  • Temperature controlled.
  • Size of the zip (yes, for you husky men!)


A high-quality tent, not only for sleeping at night, goes a long way and could probably make a difference in your experience out there. Even during the day when you lie down for several hours under the hot sun or under rain or freezing cold, you will have to take breaks and rest. Choose this item with the utmost seriousness. You can find a few suggestions here: Tents and more


  1. The Ninth Commandment: Tools + first aid equipment

 You must be equipped with special tools that will allow you to be dynamic and use different raw materials that are in the field in order to come up with creative solutions for yourself that will also become additional survival equipment that you did not carry on your back.


  • Commando knife (yes, for hunting too.)
  • Zip ties.
  • Folding digging pen.
  • Rope.
  • First aid kit
  • And any other tools/gear you find appropriate.


So, there…this is it. The final 10 commandments – 10 key survival gear items for men (cause we deserve a list!!!)

As you understand, the choice of survival equipment depends on the nature of your activity. Invest in quality equipment that will last and accompany you for many years to come.


At SurvivalPort, you will find professional quality equipment which will last you for a long time – and most importantly, gear you will be happy with.


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